What are the resistance band rolls made of?
The resistance band rolls are constructed from latex-free composite material.
How far can the bands safely stretch?
The bands can safely stretch to twice their original length.
How wide are the resistance band rolls?
Each roll is 4” wide.
How long are the resistance band rolls?
Each resistance band roll is 25 yards long.
How thick is each resistance band?
The thickness of each band varies based on the resistance level ranging from 0.33 mm for the extra light band to .65 mm for the xx-heavy band.
How do I cut the resistance band roll?
The resistance band roll can be cut with standard household scissors.
How do I clean my resistance bands?
The bands can be wiped down with a dry cloth.
What is the resistance level of each band?
The yellow band roll is light. The medium band is red. The green band level is heavy resistance, the blue roll is extra heavy and the black band roll is xx-heavy.
What if I need only a short piece of each resistance level?
The Vive flat resistance band set includes five, 6’ resistance bands with resistance levels ranging from extra-light to extra heavy.
Are the resistance bands effective for rehabilitating a shoulder injury?
Yes, resistance bands can be used for rehabilitating injuries, including shoulder injuries.
Do the straight resistance bands contain latex?
No, the resistance band rolls are made with a latex-free composite for safe use in any setting.
Are the resistance band rolls easy to travel with?
Yes! Every roll is enclosed in a dispenser-style box to ensure the roll stays wrapped and tangle-free when traveling between clinics, schools or providing home visits.
Do resistance bands work well for arm strength and toning?
Yes, resistance bands provide effective resistance for both the upper and lower body workouts.
Can I use resistance bands while doing yoga?
Yes, resistance bands are perfect to add tension and resistance to an existing workout such as yoga, Crossfit or Pilates.
Will using resistance bands help me increase my flexibility?
Yes, resistance bands are ideal for increasing flexibility and mobility.